Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Ted Cruz says Majority of violent felons are Democrats

and the peanut gallery goes ape maulk.

And then we find out;

USA Today reports, “Sen. Ted Cruz misrepresented an academic study when he claimed that the “overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats.”

The claim is based on research that found a majority of ex-felons in three states registered as Democrats. But that was a study of all ex-felons, not just violent criminals, as Cruz framed it.”

OH! So a majority of ALL ex-felons are registered as Democrats – not just the violent ones. So that’s makes it much more palatable. Of course Cruz did say in an interview with ABC that he was using “reasonable inference” for his claim about violent criminals.

I think the Left should shut up and quit making Sen. Cruz's points for him.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't think felons could vote. Why were they registered?;)


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