Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Mainstream Media has become the Fifth Column

The Fourth Estate  Is the Fifth Column

"While NBC’s Lester Holt was wondering before President Obama’s speech Sunday night if it would “be a defining moment for this presidency,” his counterparts on ABC and PBS picked up where he left off afterward by enthusiastically praising how “struck” they were by “a stern and direct” Obama “laying out" what Obama called "a strong and smart strategy” to deal with terrorism

ABC News chief anchor (and former Clinton staffer plus Clinton Foundation donor) George Stephanopoulos immediately gushed as soon as the President concluded how he was so “stern and direct” by “laying out what he called a strong and smart strategy to deal with the terrorist threat that has evolved here in the United States.”

While us members of the Fifth Estate are TRYING to tell you the truth.

Many of you ignore us.

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