Wednesday, December 23, 2015

What's on my Kindle - Post Three - Anne McCaffrey (Tom McCaffrey)

Do you have any idea just how hard it is to list ALL of the books Ms. McCaffrey has written?  Either by herself, or with others?  Seriously, I would be typing for over an hour with all the links I'd have to make.  And my arthritis and carpal tunnel would make me pay for it later.

So to save myself that I should just direct you to her Authors page at Amazon.  And yes I HAVE read almost everything Ms. McCaffrey has written, either in hardback, paperback or E-book version.  I DO have the ENTIRE Pern series including the books she co wrote with her son and also the books he wrote after her death as a single author, in E-book format and most of it in paperback.

Anne McCaffrey

Click that to see a truly prodigious output from one author.  And ALL of it good.

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