Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Does your smart phone use Android 4.4 Kit Kat or later? Zero Day exploit

"New zero-day flaw hits millions of Linux servers, also affects most Android devices

The flaw is said to affect "tens of millions" of Linux PCs and servers, and most modern devices running the latest Android KitKat 4.4 software and later.

A new, previously undiscovered flaw that allows an attacker to escalate local user privileges to the highest "root" level is said to hit "tens of millions" of Linux PCs and servers.

Because some of the code is shared, the zero-day flaw also affects more than two-thirds of all Android devices.

Israeli security firm Perception Point disclosed the flaw in a blog post Tuesday, but it wasn't immediately clear if the bug had been privately reported to Google, which develops the Android software."

Hopefully Goggle has fixed it and will be releasing an update soon.

Then the problem becomes if the phone companies incorporate the update into their updates.

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