Friday, January 15, 2016

S.2123 - This is troubling

From Tam I find this;

"Remember the Obama administration’s efforts to criminalize posting “how-to” gun information on the Internet? That’s in the bill, too.

Thus, under section 108, anyone putting “technical data” with respect to guns on the Munitions List on the Internet is liable for a five year mandatory minimum prison sentence — even if it is only in a private e-mail.

And this is because the Obama administration has indicated that it will regard a transmission on the Internet to be a communication with any person or country with access to the Internet."

So if I wrote a post or did a video about the Mossberg 500 Extractor Tuneup I do to smooth up the action of a Mossberg/Maverick Shotgun, I COULD be in violation.

Hmmmmm  This is a little troubling.

The kicker is the following;

"They do not want a bill they can enforce evenly. The beauty of a bill that criminalizes tens of thousands is that it can be enforced selectively, politically."

Any lawyers in the house?  Or any politicians?  If you wish to comment in the comment section, please feel free.

If anyone wants to know about the Extractor Tuneup I'll need someone with a donor shotgun local to me.  It only takes about 15 minutes to do and when I worked for Nu-Line Guns I did several hundred of them a month.  I'll do the Tuneup the person supplying the donor will have to run my cameras.

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