Saturday, January 23, 2016

Some firearm modifications that don't cost a lot

If you are like me, there is always something about any firearm you purchase that isn't quite right.  There is something that needs to be done to make it work better, feel better in your hand, make it easier to use.  Also if your like me, you're broke.

So here are some inexpensive modifications I do to most of my handguns with certain exceptions.

Pachmayr or Hogue grips  To make it easy to grip properly and to reduce felt recoil.

Some firearms such as my Rossi 461 came with "Rubber" grips.  However they are very slick and hard.  Making maintaining a good grip under recoil difficult, or grabbing it under duress or with wet hands. 

With REAL Pachmayr's or Hogue grips, you can get a firm grip and maintain it with wet hands, even under heavy recoil of magnum rounds.

Another Modification I do to almost all of my firearms with one exception is to use something on the sights to highlight them.  For my blued/dark colored firearms I use ordinary white out correction fluid.  I"ll use it on the tip of the front sight and to outline the rear sight notch.

This is on my Charter Arms Undercover.  you can see how the white out contrasts and makes the sights pop out.

However on my satin nickle Taurus 82 the problem is with the white out on the sights, they just blended in making accuracy almost impossible.  So for it I used an ordinary sharper black marker to highlight the rear sight notch and the tip of the front sight.

This shows the tip of the front sight on my Rossi.  Getting the camera to focus where I wanted it to was a little hard.  However by just high lighting the tip, I can line up the sights and be sure to get a solid hit.

This is the rear sight of the Rossi showing how I coat the entire inside of the rear sight notch.

These are two modification I do to almost every handgun I own with a few small exceptions.

These modifications make it easier to fire the firearms more accurately and without hurting my hands in the process, which reduces flinch.  Again increasing accuracy.

Even my 1911, BHP and FEG's get at the very least the sights high lighted.

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