Sunday, January 10, 2016

Some links for you today

Powerball jackpot world's largest at $1.3 billion

Afghan forces struggle as ranks thinned by 'ghost' soldiers

Actor Sean Penn interviews Chapo Guzman while on the lam

Ranchers' cause, not tactics, gains support in GOP circles

Warrant: 'Affluenza' teen's mom took $30,000 before flight

I wish I had 30k of disposable income I could just withdraw at anytime.

Arab League condemns Iranian 'meddling' in Arab affairs

APNewsBreak: Government not ensuring pilot skills are sharp

Study: Ebola survivors' blood didn't help patients in Guinea

More detail, new questions about 2011 Clinton email

EXCLUSIVE–Kathleen Willey Thanks Donald Trump for Highlighting Bill Clinton’s History with Women, Urges More Victims to Come Forward

Powerful US bomber flies over S. Korea as standoff deepens

Sean Penn LED authorities to El Chapo: Actor under investigation after meeting with world's most wanted drug lord while he was on the run in Mexico - unwittingly guiding officials to his lair

For Republicans, Mounting Fears of Lasting Split

Hillary’s EmailGate Goes Nuclear

Bernie Sanders' Popularity Making Hillary Clinton Campaign 'Nervous'

The Larger, but Quieter Than Bundy, Push to Take Over Federal Land

Woman raped by five men in New York City park, police say

Cologne Mayor to Victims of Migrant Sex Assaults: You Asked For It - Feminism dies on multiculturalism’s sacrificial altar
It's not a defense in a criminal case, but now it is when applied to "Refugees"

Hillary Health Horrors - Medical experts raise red flags, question her claimed recovery from brain trauma

This Is Bernie Sanders - A disturbing look at the socialist senator's radical agendas, which are now mainstream in the Democratic Party

Obama to make good on Guantanamo pledge: White House chief of staff

U.S. Supreme Court set to hear challenge to public sector unions

'You don't know the mess you got yourselves into': El Chapo's two sons surface to threaten Mexican government with war after their father's arrest

White House plans to leave a seat empty at the State of the Union for 'victims of gun violence'

More political Grandstanding.

Cop exonerated for shooting dead man who hit him with a snow shovel faces new investigation after video emerges showing him 'firing three bullets into the handcuffed suspect's BACK as he lay on the ground'

'ISIS monsters threatened to stone me when I tried to leave': French mother who willingly took son, four, to join jihadis in Raqqa fled after realizing she had 'journeyed into hell'

Ohio police dog named Jethro shown clinging to life in photo after being struck during grocery store burglary shootout

The plane for nervous flyers! Massive Qantas jumbo jet flies from Sydney to South Africa with FIVE engines as airline deploys rarely-used transportation method

Now this is cool

Pakistan says it will respond to any threat to Saudi Arabia

India teen gang-raped, shot, dumped in well

U.S. releases video it says shows Iranian rockets near American warships

Iran warns of reciprocal measures in US visa row

Ice cream maker Blue Bell reports listeria found again in facility

Oh NO!!! No Blue Bell!!

Mississippi town reverses itself and says 'no' to refugees

Germany Erupts Into Chaos As Protesters Declare "Rapefugees Not Welcome"

Capitulation In Rig Count Collapse?

China Goes Full Keynesian-tard: Demolishes Never-Used Just-Built Skyscraper

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