Saturday, January 16, 2016

Vet Ranch - Dr Dave - Momma Dawg Has Breast Cancer

Published on Jan 16, 2016

Meet Momma Dawg, affectionately named by Dr. Dave because she has had so many puppies. She was found to have several lumps in her mammary tissue that needed immediate surgical removal. She has healed up and should have an easy life ahead of her. Thanks to all of our wonderful supports for making this possible!!!

If you are interested in helping with animals in the future, please visit to learn more about what we do and to donate if you would like. Dr. Matt Carriker, a veterinarian licensed in Texas founded Vet Ranch Inc., a 501(c)(3), tax exempt non-profit organization. There is no shortage of pets in need, so every donation means more lives we can positively change. If you are not able to donate, please enjoy the videos and share if you like them!!!

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