Monday, February 22, 2016

Looking for MRE's by the pallet?

In one of the many e-mails I get came in info about cases of MRE's for $15.00 a case or $720 per pallet.


Is the link if you are interested.

They also have pallets of A-pack MRE's for $1,200 a pallet : A-pack

 And Sopakco dated 9-2016 for $25 a case here: Sopakco

NOTE!!! these were manufactured in 2012 so they are near their end of storage viability.

MRE's store 3-5 year depending on how they are stored, and I've eaten 9 year old MRE's before but they were stored in a root cellar with a year round temperature of around 62 degrees.  I don't know how these have been stored, so I don't know how good they are or how much longer they can be safely stored.

I do know that just 12 hours of temperatures over 90 degrees can make an MRE useless and disgusting in less than 8 days.  Don't ask how I know that.  (another note do NOT leave MRE's in a steel  ammo can in the trunk of your car or the toolbox of your truck and expect to get a meal or calories out of it after a month)

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