Sunday, February 7, 2016

Temptations Cat Treats is Crack Cocaine

for cats.  At least for my cats.

I was given a couple of samples from the last Vet visit.  I opened the packages and dumped them into an old prescription bottle to dole them out once a day or so.


My two cats, Ghost and Xena have been trying to gnaw their way into that pill bottle ever since.  I hid it in the top drawer of my chest of drawers, one of them climbed up inside the chest and pushed the drawer out enough so they could get into it and went right back to gnawing on it.  I moved into my nightstand drawer.


My cats are addicted to these things!

The ONLY time my cats bite me is when I get out a "Temptations Cat Treat".

Not real bites, but they want those treats Sooooooo bad they nip my fingers.

Maybe I should buy stock in the manufacturer?

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