Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weapons and equipment data

While wikiwandering my way through link after link after link I found myself clicking on a link that lead me to an interesting page.

Paul Mulcahy’s Pages

Where the proprietor had built up a database of a LOT of world wide weapons, vehicles and other things all related to an RPG called Twilight 2000.

Now I haven't played any RPG's since the early 90's when my eldest daughter was born, but this intrigued me. Especially since he had a datapage on an unusual rifle I actually fired back in the 80's when I was in the Army Reserve.

Wikimedia Commons


T65 (Type 65) Assault Rifle (1976)

T65, T86 and T91 assault rifle (Taiwan)

The Major, S-2 or S-4 of our unit, a Vietnam Veteran, had this squirreled away in our Arms Room.  He told me he had gotten it when he was still on Active, and had won it from a ROC Captain during what he said was a drunken poker game in Korea, where a detachment of ROC Marines were training with US Army and ROK Marines.  It had been deactivated when he brought it back stateside and he had had one of his old units armorers reactivate it without the giggle switch.

Since we were down at Fort Lost in the Woods, requalifying, and I had a HORRIBLE record with the M16A1, but actually qualified Expert with the M14 and M60, the Major brought out his "Toy" to let me shoot it.  I actually fired my qualification that year with his T65 instead of an M16A1.  I qualified Sharpshooter, one target shy of Expert, but since I had only been BARELY qualifying as a Marksman with the M16A1, the Major used THAT score when he logged my qualification.

The reason I could shoot the T65 better than the M16?  Weight.  The T65 with it's Gas Piston operation was just a little heavier than the M16, and I was raised shooting heavier firearms.  One of the first guns I ever fired was a M1903A3 which my USMC Uncle brought back from WWII.  So I was used to firing heavier rifles, and the M16 was just too light and I could never quite get a proper cheek weld or get it tucked in just right.

If I can ever find a Legal Semi Only T65, I'd love to get one for myself.

Nowadays though, if I take my time and get myself set, I can shoot almost any rifle accurately out to 400-450 yards.  I have surprised myself a few times dinging a steel plate at 250 yards with a .22 Long Rifle using the irons.  You just have to hold over about 18-20 inches and allow for the wind.  CCI Minimags and Stingers are the best for that.

Ahh, I'm rambling.  But I thought I'd share with you an interesting firearm and and interesting Website.  I hope my linking to him doesn't kill his bandwidth.

Good Night


  1. I didn't know any of them actually existed 'in the wild' so to speak...

  2. Some people have said the Daewoo K2 is quite similar, so I guess if I could find one of those I'd take that.

    As the T65 being in the "wild" the Major said that the ROC units that rotated through Korea lost at least 18 of them that he knew of, and he knew his wasn't the only one to get brought home in a barracks bag. They just had to be sure they were deactivated before bringing them home.

    Deactivation was welding a rod in the barrel and removing the FCG and overdrilling the Auto sear pin holes. The Maj's still had two larger holes in the lower, but he had it re-barreled and a Semi FCG installed. It shot pretty good.


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