Thursday, March 10, 2016

Something funny happened to me

Last Thursday I fell while getting into the shower.smashing my right cheek against the corner of the shower wall.  It swelled up and I couldn't see out of my right eye but the swelling went down later.  Until Tuesday when my cheek started swelling back up and hurting real bad.  Last night I was hurting so bad I was tempted to call for an ambulance and my mother was offering to take me to the hospital.

Well one of the medications I take is Toradol, which is a super duper anti-inflammatory.  And in twenty minutes the pain went away and the swelling went down.

Until today when it came back with a vengeance.

Toradol wasn't helping, so about 5:30 pm I drove myself to the Emergency Room in Portland about 27 miles away.

As I was pulling into the parking lot I saw 3 boys running along side of drive and I slowed down and stopped to let them cross.  The boy in the front with a kick scooter slipped on the mud and fell down.

The two boys with him started ragging on him.

They boy got up and they all crossed the driveway and as I let off the brake and started pulling away I heard one of the boys say to the one who fell.

"Man you just did that in front of Santa Claus."

What do you think?  Am I Santa Claus?

Oh and the swelling?  Evidently when I fell and smashed my cheek, the crown on my molar cut my gum and now I have an abscess.

So I'm on a 10 day course of antibiotics.

1 comment:

  1. Toradol is just short of God's own merciful love on my pain, in most cases.

    Take care of that abscess.

    The kids only mistook you for Santa Claus because they don't know who Ted Kaczynski is.


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