Friday, April 29, 2016

From the Inbox - Things you have probably never seen before...19 photos

Things you have probably never seen before...19 photos

Aerial  view of Central Park, New  York

Secondhand mobile phone market -   China

Ship  & tugboat - Corinth Canal, Greece

Magdeburg   Water Bridge - Germany - 500 Million Euros, 6 Years to build, 918 Metres in  length

 Golf  course - Somewhere in   Australia

Tibetan Mastiff Dog - Sold for 1.5 Million  Dollars
 Carpet  of flowers - Brussels ,   Belgium

India -  As if one head wasn't bad  enough!

Window washers at Children's Hospital - U.S.A.

Nature's bridge - India

Living on the edge

El Penon de Guatape - 650 Ft stone - Colombia

Camouflaged mobile phone tower - U.S.A.

Statues bigger than you thought - Easter  Island

7,000 trees planted to form guitar on a farm in Argentina

Supercell storm cloud - U.S.A.

 Niagara Falls - Canada

Most beautiful horse in the world

Buttress tree roots - Costa Rica

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