Monday, April 25, 2016

I just spent several hours unbricking my computer

AVG Anti-virus which is a decent not excellent but decent anti-virus program, has a feature called "Safe Search" that wants to run all of your searches through THEIR servers first and add a toolbar in your browser.  The problem with that is #1: they keep track of all of your searches and #2: they FILTER all of your searches.

I get enough of that from Google, I don't want nor need it from my anti-virus.

Also I DO NOT want "Toolbars"  I HATE toolbars, I DESPISE toolbars.

They take up system resources and clutter up my screen.

However ever since the newest release of AVG, they have been trying to force "Safe Search" down my throat and they have been trying to force an unwanted toolbar onto my system.

This morning, I did what I always do when I wake up.

I rebooted my computer.

AVG and it's Safe Search Updater then tried it's best to FORCE my computer to do something I had explicitly set it up to NEVER do.

It tried to install the Safe Search browser theme and toolbar.

Well I have 3 different anti-malware programs that were specifically setup to BLOCK that installation.

However they couldn't block the UPDATER program from TRYING to run, just block the actual installation.

So the AVG Updater loaded over 200 instances of itself TRYING to FORCE through the update.

Taking up all of the available memory and system resources.

And since AVG went with the newest version of itself, it forces it so I can no longer BLOCK it from forcing through so it loads and updates before many of my other security software programs can fully load.

So it loads itself, updates and then starts to scan my system.

Which normally would be a good thing, except this morning it tried to FORCE the Safe Search Update.

My other security software couldn't load in time to prevent it from TRYING, but they could load in time to prevent it from actually succeeding.

Which mean I spent several hours trying to BYPASS AVG so I could get into my scheduled tasks and REMOVE their frickin.FORCED update.

I had to boot from a DVD because that was the ONLY way I could get my task scheduler to load because the Safe Search Updater would load so many instances I ran out of system resources before I could load the Task Scheduler.

Great Job AVG!!!

Some of us have REASONS we block certain parts of your software.  Not the least of which is that you rob our system resources and you DO NOT allow us to REFUSE to use certain parts we DO NOT LIKE BECAUSE they use so many system resources.

A One Size Fits All approach to computer security DOESN'T WORK, so please quit trying to FORCE it on everyone.

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