Thursday, April 28, 2016

What does an Oath mean?

In October 1985 I raised my right hand and I took an Oath.

"I, Mark Anderson, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States"

By Solemnly Swearing, I sealed this Oath into my very soul and existence. Into every fibre of my being, everything that I was and am became dedicated to this.

"against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

Against any and all, even my own family if necessary if they are the enemies of that to which I swore my being.

"that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same"

That I will forever more be true to this Oath and to Constitution of this Nation.

"and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me"

The only limitation being that the orders I am given MUST follow the Constitution, and do NOT violate it.

"according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice"

As long as the regulations and the Code do not violate the Constitution.  I am bound to follow them.  Where they stray from or DO violate the Constitution, I am Honor Bound to IGNORE them and to report them, and if necessary fight AGAINST them.

"So help me God"

May the Creator our Lord hold me accountable for my actions if they do not follow this Oath on the day of my reckoning.

NOWHERE in this Oath is there an expiration date.

This Oath sealed my soul and my very LIFE for the remainder of my existence on this world and into the afterlife.

Therefore I and millions of others like me, take Oaths very seriously.  We signed on the dotted line and wrote a check to our Nation, or Constitution, payable with everything we have and everything we are.

I know atheists who have taken this Oath and become changed by it.  For if you do not feel the very weight of these words upon you when you accept this charge, and take this Oath, you are forsworn.

To me, this Oath I swore means that my life is forfeit should it be necessary.  My Honor holds me to this Oath until my death releases me from the mortal coil.  But even into the afterlife, this Oath follows me.

It is a part of me.

And many people in this world today, look at me and others like me, those of us who have taken this Oath, and they don't understand.  Their own Souls, their Id, I guess you would call it, don't accept that an Oath is binding.  To them, we are fools.  They do not feel the weight of these words.

I pity them.  Because they don't know that the weight of these words also lift us up.

We KNOW that others who have taken this Oath , will be ready to stand beside us in defense of the Constitution and each other.  That we ALL share a burden, shouldering it equally.  And by taking up that burden we become greater than just ourselves.

When you read the words of the Oath, you don't feel the weight, until you raise your hand and say them.

It sets into your heart, a physical force.  You look around at others wondering if they too feel that weight.  and you realize they are looking around at you and everyone else in the room.  It's the person who doesn't look around, who doesn't feel that weight.  Some of them later will feel the weight.  A few never will and are the forsworn.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Simple words,and yet they mean so much.

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