Sunday, May 1, 2016

Can you open your wallet for someone?

First is Mr and Mrs Ryan Thornberry.  Mr. Thornberry used to be one of the Assistant Band Directors and Teachers at my kid's schools.  He moved on to another teaching job in another school district, but he was a very good and very loved teacher at my kid's schools.

Their story is below;


Recently we have had a string of mishaps due to the flooding in Texas. My car was damaged by high water on my way home from a banquet. Since the car is 10 years old we are expecting the insurance company to total the car and give us very little for it. After the storm, we noticed that our house wasn't cooling anymore and our central air conditioning unit was not working. We were expecting that we would just need to add freon, but when the AC repairman inspected the unit, he said that it was damaged by the storm and would have to be replaced. We have American Home Shield warranty, but they only covered $900 towards the $8K cost. Yikes!

My wife and I are school teachers and are currently in our 17th year of teaching. We have two boys, 6 and 8 years old. We also recently found out that we are expecting a new baby in August. My wife and I were shocked to learn about the pregnancy since we had to do fertility meds to have successful, viable pregnancies. Eventhough, this pregnancy was a surprise to us, we are thrilled to have a miracle baby girl bless our lives in August!! We are also blessed to have very loving family members who are helping us find baby clothing, furniture, etc. Thank you so much! Financially, our health insurance deductible is $5K out of pocket and then we are liable for 20% of any expenses after that.

With these recent financial surprises adding to already existing financial responsibilities, I am biting my pride and asking for help! I do not want my family to struggle with financial stress over these bills for the next 5-10 years.

The newest addition to our family will cost us $5K(deductible only), plus $7.1K for the new AC unit, plus $?K new vehicle or repair, another car that we are still making payments on, and other monthly responsibilities. We have already dedicated a large portion of our income to getting out of debt.

Please trust us by paying it forward. Assist us in getting through this rough time and we will assist others when we are cleared of the debt. We are a very generous family with a big heart. Our already generous friends and family have been helping us find baby supplies and helping us with other house repairs. It is very awkward to ask for financial help, however, after 17 years of working in our careers, it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you for your time and consideration! Many blessings to you all."

Click that above to be taken to their Crowdrise page.

Next we have a lady who has gone through much but has also done much and needs some help to get her house livable.

Her story below;

"As you can see from the photos I've shared, the road to my where my little cabin should be located needs some work and all this rain and flooding is not helping. It's extremely difficult for me to get around without falling in the mud or my prosthetic getting sucked into the mud. That is one reason I'm asking for financial assistance but let me just backtrack,a minute.

I wear different hats. One, I'm Julie Curtis-Win. I'm a dedicated patriot, fiercely loyal to our soldiers serving our country. Most of them know me as the "smiley face sticker lady" at the 2002-2010 flights leaving Fort Hood or the "mom" at the little red roof building at 78th and Santa Fe, the flag lady passing out the thousands of American flags at the welcome home ceremonies, the snack lady at the manifest site☕️, the barracks bags lady that provided all the toiletry items for our returning home soldiers. Support was also provided to many thousands of Reserve/National Guard soldiers that were stationed at North Fort Hood. It would literally take pages to fill with all the memories I could share and probably should share but not in this format.

I've had a car accident which resulted in the amputation of my left leg, gotten a divorce, battled my own demons of depression and ptsd from my accident, the loss of both parents and have come out at the other end of this spectrum where I've literally lost everything except this two and a half acre spot.

Not really one that can give up easily (must have learned that one at ft hood) I am asking for your help. The little cabin $15,000, I will call home should come about the 18th with the rain delays it gives me some time to hopefully with your help, get this place ready for it. I need a road. The road base I had put in is flooded out. The cost of that will be about $2,500.

The water line has been trenched and is almost ready to hook up with about another 50 feet of trenching and pipe. The cost of that will be about $500. A plumber has agreed to donate his time to hook it up to the cabin.

Electrical poles from Oncor will cost about $5,000 plus the pole that goes to the house that has to be purchased at a cost of $600. Wiring of the cabin will cost $2,500.

One last thing, since this is out there. I would really like to have a walk-in bathtub. I slither in and out of this small one and I tend to fall or slip getting in and out of it. They have one that is perfect at Lowe's for $2,000. It is not necessary to have the jets and heated seat just a plain walk-in tub.

Right now I'm living in a little 300 square foot barn/shed that I already owned and I have an extension cord running my window unit, a small refrigerator and a lamp, my cats and two dogs. All my belongings are in two shipping containers outside.. One with my gardening/barn supplies and the other from my home.

I really want to get control of my life back. Recovering from my knee surgery in January has not been easy with this transition happening all at the same time. Please help me find some peace and comfort after all that has transpired

I'm not ready to accept that I have such limitations that I can't still provide that comfortable spot for our soldiers and their families to come and enjoy just getting away from being our protectors to just being "a family". Hearing stories of those little ones that do well in school and their treat is "I want to go to the farm". Listening to the soldier talk about his mother the master gardener in Michigan as he is helping me plant my garden.

Well, there it is. I need your help. I probably need a lot of help to get back on my feet,(no pun intended). Please find it in your heart to help me now. The other mother that was there for so many needs the help of many now to regain a life."

Click on the above to go to her GoFundMe page.

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