Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Bigelow Aerospace and NASA have expanded the B.E.A.M

"Houston, you have an epic balloon room in space. NASA has inflated the first-ever expandable room for astronauts on the International Space Station, a round module that made occasional popcorn-like popping sounds as it reached its full size.

It took NASA astronaut Jeff Williams on the station more than seven hours to inflate the privately built Bigelow Expandable Activity Module today (May 28). The new space room, called BEAM for short, was built for NASA by Bigelow Aerospace. Its inflation went at a glacial pace — a safety precaution since BEAM is the first of its kind — with Williams reporting that he heard popping noises with almost every short burst of air he fed into the module through a manual valve."

With the experience NASA and Bigelow Aerospace will learn from this, coupled with Bigelow's Genesis I and Genesis II, we are even closer to a fully inflated Station and possibly putting a research Station on the Surface of the Moon and Mars.

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