Friday, June 3, 2016

No wonder

I rarely drink, but on the times I DO drink, I normally stick with Scotch.  Because beer can get me drunk with as little as two 12 ounce cans.

I have always wondered why I could drink 4-6 glasses of Scotch and not be more than slightly buzzed but two cans of beer will almost knock me out.

Then I found the following statement on the Atomic Rockets site.

"Alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream slowly in the stomach, but the rate can be increased if the beverage is carbonated. This is why strong people who are apparently unaffected by a shot of whisky will sometimes start to giggle if they drink bubbly champagne (carbonated wine). Beer is carbonated, but it is so weak it needs all the help it can get. Champagne has more of a kick than non-carbonated wine. And a cocktail that includes some sort of carbonated mixer is most potent of all."

You will have to scroll down to the "Space Booze" section, I can't figure out how to directly link to it.  Or just use the "F" and type in Space Booze to have the "FIND" function find it for you.

But THAT is why I can drink Scotch and not get affected but beer knocks me for a loop.

It's too bad that I only drink Scotch maybe two to three times a year when family is over.

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