Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Shell Game with our rights in the balance

George Patton has a write up that you really need to read.

"When things like this happen, I always implore the motto, “follow the money”. Who wins with a shooting of this type?

Obviously, the two political parties do. It’s unlikely that any real legislation will be introduced between now and the election. Republicans want to be reelected. Of course Republicans and the NRA are now pushing a “real” bill to keep guns out of the hands of the terrorists. The Democrats will whine and cry that it isn’t enough but will go along. Of course once it’s passed and folks want to exercise due process over being on the terrorist watch list, we’ll all be told that national security trumps any legal protections.

And both sides will continue their fund raising. Republicans to get into office to “fix the bill” (kind of like repealing Obamacare) and Democrats to keep control in place.

There will be much posturing by both parties regarding the shootings.

The Democrats will cry for more legislation, but of course they will beg for money and tell folks that they just need more of them to be voted into office.

The Republicans will cry for more members and reelection so that they can protect gun rights.

This is the con."

Click that and give a serious read and some very serious thought.

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