Monday, June 27, 2016

Stacey Dooley: Hate and Pride in Orlando - Erin Pallette - Operation Blazing Sword - Lurking Rhythmically

 Erin is interviewed about 7:45 to 10:04

Erin, who blogs at Lurking Rhythmically is a Trans Gender Gun Blogger, who I am quite proud to consider my little sister, was interviewed by Stacey Dooley of the BBC about firearms, and the LBGTQ Community.  After Orlando, Erin has started Operation Blazing Sword.  If you are willing to help teach LBGTQ members of humanity how to shoot, even if you are not a Certified Trainer, let Erin know and get added to THE MAP.  Ken and I are listed on the map for the Corpus Christi Area.  I'm also talking to my Sooper Sekrit Gun Store about the possibility of using their indoor pistol range and possibly putting together a special class for the LBGTQ Community.

I would take people to my regular range, however it is a member only range, and non-members are not allowed.  So Ken and I are looking around at the various Ranges to find a convenient and inexpensive range.

If YOU are LBGTQ and wish to learn about firearms and live near the Corpus Christi Texas area, you can always send me an E-mail or even leave a comment here on the blog

Please remember, a firearm is an inanimate object just like a hammer.  Yet more people are killed each year with hammers than with rifles, unlike what the Media and the Politicians would have you think.  The way I was raised, a firearm is just a tool.  A tool can be used for good or bad, it all depends on the intent of the user.  So owning a firearm won't suddenly turn you into some deranged killer, it's just a tool.

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