Sunday, August 28, 2016

I'm going back to bed

I got my GPS updated, and that took HOURS, (Thanks AT&T for such SLOW DSL), I finished going through my inboxes (All 8 of them) and I edited the "Bridges" post to clean up the atrocious mispellings of common english words and fixed the photos so they would show up right.  Yahoo for some reason when you forward something adds in a BUNCH of unnecessary HTML which required over 30 minutes of editing to fix.

Storms are moving through the area, as I write this, it is 4:45 am CDT and I'm scheduling this to post at 7:30 am CDT.

I'm going to take my meds and try to get some real sleep.

(Thanks again AT&T - Why don't you fix your DSL Speeds for those of us who live out in the sticks?  And quit trying to sell me that U-Verse garbage.)

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