Sunday, August 28, 2016

The joys of summer and beginning 3d Printing

A friend of mine sold me a 3D printer so my sons who are very into technology can learn how to use them and the hope is we can print the necessary parts for their school's Technology Class can build their own 3D printer. 

I've had the printer sitting in it's box for several months other than checking out that everything was in the box, as we didn't have the room to set it up. Well we made some room and set it up on the dining room table and I bought a special controller for it.

Well the controller didn't work like it was supposed to, I'm not sure if it is the controller or the firmware for the 3D Printer.  It is one of the original Robo3D Kickstarter printers, so it's not quite as advanced as the newer models.  So the boys and I got it hooked into one of their laptops, downloaded the necessary controller software, and after fussing with getting the Y-axis properly adjusted, we got the printer to home and level properly.  Then we had issues with getting the filament to track properly.  We got that fixed by using a slightly stiffer filament, then we had problems with it popping out of it's feed track.

Now remember, my house hasn't had central air conditioning or heating since my air exchanger fan went kablooie and the repair guy took my fan housing and never came back.  So we only have A/C in the bedrooms using window units, which is actually cheaper.  Before with Central  Heat and A/C my electric bills were over $600.00 a month, using window units and space heaters, my electric bill is under $150.00 a month.

Anyway, here we are in the dining room, trying to get this 3D printer to level and home then feed properly.  It took us several hours in 95 Degree heat with 85% humidity, but we FINALLY got it to print off a calibration and test piece.

After that we checked a few things, and decided to try to print off a holder for the spool of filament.

After 3 attempts, we have given up for the night.  the boys have school in the morning and I am so over heated I completely soaked my clothes with perspiration.

Anyway, the boys and I are going to try it again tomorrow when they get home from school after Band and Football practice.  We plan on printing the spool holder, some brackets to hold the Y-axis rod and jack screws,  a case to hold the controller when we figure out if it's the printer's firmware or the controller itself that is the issue.  Then we have some other things we would like to print.  Me?  I found a printer file for a Millennium Falcon.  My son Matthew found some files for Robocop mini figures.  The twins are thinking about some custom cell phone cases.  I've been told that someone has a 6 piece Stormtrooper helmet file, that you print out the 6 pieces then glue them together.  I can really get to like that.

For now, the news is on, I just had a cool shower, I"m going to take my meds, schedule a few posts, then go to bed.

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