Friday, September 23, 2016

7 Outrageous Weapons That are Legal to Own in the USA

I'm trying to figure out why they think it's outrageous. 

The LED Puke ray is a decent Non-Lethal defense weapon.

The chain whip is used by many martial arts practitioners.

Crossbows, I own one and I'm considering getting another one to try hunting with it.

The Minigun, So WHAT?  It's legal to own, so how is it outrageous?

Grenade Launcher, you don't need a CLEO sign off if you have a trust.

Flamethrowers?  What is wrong with owing a flamethrower?  The Forestry serviceu ses them, to help set back fires or to set off controlled burns.

NOTHING on this list is OUTRAGEOUS.

Buncha whiny little wimps.

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