Friday, September 23, 2016

Cody'sLab - My thoughts On The EmDrive - Isaac Arthur - The Spaceship Propulsion Compendium

My thoughts on the EM drive, are, somebody BESIDES NASA, needs to build a test article drive and get it boosted out of the gravity well.  A small amateur built satellite like a HAMSAT, could be used, and with adding additional solar panels and some extra battery storage to help power it, see if it could put itself into a CircumLunar orbit.  Seriously.  Having a Amateur Radio satellite in orbit around the moon and have it get there with an EM Drive, would be the PERFECT test, plus there would be thousands if not MILLIONS of HAM Radio operators monitoring the telemetry and helping to crunch any data the satellites on board sensors collect.

If the drives full specs could be released to the general public, the Amateur Radio community will probably build not just the satellite but the drive itself for free.

Just leaving the shot out of the gravity well for any government agency or private enterprise to help with.

The video Cody links to in his video is below.

Isaac Arthur - The Spaceship Propulsion Compendium

Isaac's description: Published on Sep 22, 2016

An in-depth survey of the various technologies for spaceship propulsion, both from those we can expect to see in a few years and those at the edge of theoretical science. We'll break them down to basics and familiarize ourselves with the concepts.
Note: I made a rather large math error about the Force per Power the EmDrive exerts at 32:10, initial tentative results for thrust are a good deal higher than I calculated compared to a flashlight.

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