Tuesday, October 4, 2016

About my Dr's visit yesterday

Well I found out why the Dr never returns my calls.

The Insurance company.

I was injured at work in 2004 at work and I had to get a spinal fusion.

since then I've had issues with my leg giving out and I basically, well let me put it this way.  "Fall down, go BOOM!"  Because of all of my falls, I've herniated several other disc's in my back.  And once I gave myself a minor concussion.

Soooooo, the Work Comp, Insurance company which is SUPPOSED to pay the Dr bills related to my injury, has been slow rolling my treatment.

It took over 2 years for them to even authorize a followup to a CT scan that showed that I had herniated the three discs above when I had the spinal fusion. 


Well if you want to be EXACT, 2 years and 3 months.

Just to get a followup visit.

And it wasn't even for any type of treatment.

They only authorized an "Office Visit" to ask me a few questions and the "Dr" wasn't even authorized to see me.  Only one of his PA's.

So yeah.

So I drove to Corpus, 45 miles away, sat in an over crowded waiting are, not a waiting "Room" an "Area, like a living room and a Loooong hallway, where I sat on an uncomfortable bench for over an 90 minutes before I got taken back to a treatment room, where I sat for another 30 minutes, then finally the PA came in checked my reflexes and the strength of my legs, noting that my right leg is getting weaker.  And I was told, that the "Insurance Company" hasn't authorized them to do ANYTHING ELSE.

I found out that the Office Manager for the Dr has spent EIGHTEEN MONTHS trying to get approvals and authorizations, but she gets an even worse runaround than I do when I try to call the IRS for a transcript.  Which I have ALSO been trying to get for TWO MONTHS!!!!  But the Office Manager lady has been trying to get the approvals for 18 months, because that's how long she has been working for the Dr.

According to my file at the Dr's office, they have been trying to get the approvals since my last visit TWO YEARS and THREE months ago.

So I spent over 2 hours in the Dr's office sitting on an EXTREMELY uncomfortable bench seat and an equally uncomfortable examination table, AFTER drivnig for almost an hour to get there and I had an hour drive to get home.

Here I am typing this at 3:00 in the morning and my back, leg and hip are STILL bothering me.

I have reached the point where I am going to do something I HATE to do.

I'm going to drink some Scotch, take 3 benedryl and try to go to sleep.  I have poured out my 2 fingers of Scotch, and when that's gone, I'm going to TRY to lay down and go to sleep.

I pray it helps, because I have too many things to get done tomorrow or rather later today so I don't have time for this pain.

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