Monday, October 17, 2016

Documented PROOF that American Elections Are Clearly Rigged & Voter Fraud is Covered Up by the Establishment.

From Hillbuzz.

"There may not be a giant spider sitting under the US Capitol pulling strings to rig the election nation-wide, but that doesn’t mean that at the local level Democrat operatives don’t decide for themselves to rig elections every way they can (and then other Democrats circle the wagons and cover up everything to protect their friends and colleagues). One thing I notice Republicans do that leads to them losing arguments is that they cede points unnecessarily, especially when Democrats use straw men to box them into corners like that. The Party of Stupid keeps doing the same things but expecting different results in this way (which is why so many people are sick of the Party of Stupid).

With voter fraud, Republicans love to values-signal by standing up and saying “there is no national effort to rig elections because we can’t find evidence of that.” First of all, Democrats are really good at hiding things and Republicans are awful at uncovering things, so just because Republicans can’t prove something does not mean that Democrats are not doing it. The Democrat Party is really like Loki, the trickster god in Norse Mythology: you need to just always assume it is getting away with something horrible today that you are not aware of because you are not as smart at figuring out what they are doing as they are at hiding what they are up to."

Click on the above to go RTWT.

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