Friday, October 28, 2016

Peer Review? Worthless?

Over at Peter's we find the following.

"Referees at the most prestigious of journals have given the green light to research that was later found to be wholly fraudulent. Conversely, they’ve scoffed at work that went on to win Nobel prizes. Richard Smith, a former editor of the British Medical Journal, describes peer review as a roulette wheel, a lottery and a black box. He points out that an extensive body of research finds scant evidence that this vetting process accomplishes much at all. On the other hand, a mountain of scholarship has identified profound deficiencies."

Remember the DDT Study?

DDT: A Case Study in Scientific Fraud (.PDF)

How many people have DIED because of the increase of Malaria and other diseases because DDT has been banned?

And don't even get me started on "The Science is Settled -  Climate Change - Global Warming - Global Cooling"  they cannot even make up their mind if we are supposed to die from runaway greenhouse effects or die from runaway ice ages.

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