Saturday, November 26, 2016

Beyond Science - MASSIVE Ocean of Water Found 620 Miles Below Earth's Surface


  1. Off topic but I wanted to comment on the "Blue Ghost". My Uncle, Cmdr Lester S. Wall Jr. was squadron commander of VBF94 flying F4U1D Corsairs at the end of the big one. In late July of '45, leading in his squadron under heavy AAA he dropped a 1000 pounder straight down the stack of the IJN hybrid Battleship Carrier Ise. It exploded her boilers and broke her keel. She settled into the mud of Kure harbor and was later scrapped and turned into razor blades and cheep toys and even cheaper cars! Cmdr Wall and several member of his squadron were awarded the Navy Cross for this action. After the Jap surrender while leading patrols he located POW camps that the Japs had ababrother and then led in flights dropping food,cigars and letters from him

  2. If your Uncle is still alive, I"d be honored to interview him sometime.


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