Saturday, November 5, 2016

Links for those who are interested

US Supreme Court reinstates Arizona ballot collection ban
This just makes that much harder for the Democrats to stuff the ballot box.

Immigrants in US illegally see this election as crucial
Of course they do. If Trump wins that means they have to either get out or file the paperwork necessary to stay legally.

Paris climate deal enters force ahead of schedule. Now what?
Trying to get it into effect before Clinton loses. That way they Obama can try to ram compliance down the US's throat before he's out of office. Nevermind the fact that the Senate NEVER ratified it in the first place.

Final Warning from Immigration Officers: Clinton, Open Borders Will ‘Unleash’ Violence, ‘Countless Preventable Deaths’ in America

U.S. Government Hackers Threaten to Intervene in Election Over ‘Russia’ Suspicions

In other words, we're going to make it so Hillary wins no matter what.

Pennsylvania State Police Stage Voter Fraud Sting

Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept

If the FBI ever really investigates the Clinton Foundation, I think several dozen people will find themselves in prison. Including Bill, Hillary and Chelsea.

Sanders had non-aggression pact with Clinton who had "leverage" to enforce it Robby Mook ("re47") email reveals

The Clinton's have a LOT of blackmail material on EVERYBODY, after all they are the ones who probably instigated the behavior that they could then use as blackmail.

Election Chaos Fears Have Preppers Stockpiling Survival Food

Sorry if you are just buying stocks and stuff now, you are NOT a "Prepper" you are panic buying and if something does happen, you will probably be the first people to run out.

'CAN YOU IMAGINE IF I SAID THAT?'Trump hits Jay Z over profanity-laced performance at rally with Clinton

If he HAD said that or even 1/10th of that, we would still be hearing it 20 years from now. But because it's Jay-Z, he gets a pass.

Giuliani, Sessions, Keating, et al: Time for Loretta Lynch to appoint a Special Counsel

Which she won't, because she would be found to have her fingers dirty as well. And Holder would be up on Treason charges right up there with her, Hillary, Obama, Bill and the whole morass of the criminal DNC.

Senate Battle: Race for control goes down to the wire

I personally am to the point where All of them need to be fired and they should lose their Congressional Pensions, Healthcare and any perks. Plus be banned from any political activity including lobbying for life.

'Campus Craziness': The Constitution might get you arrested

The college needs to lose any and al Federal funds it's recieves and the officers involved need to be fired. If you DO NOT know what the First Amendment is you don't need to be in a job that requires you to uphold the laws based on said Amendment.

Post-election battles likely as Trump supporters in no mood for compromise

No matter who supposedly "Wins" the election, there will be dozens if not HUNDREDS of law suits before January 20th. Which will be good as it's my older brother's 53rd birthday.

Judiciary chairman seeks information on FBI email investigation
Because they need to know if she DID lie under Oath, to Congress.

Florida Elections Worker: I Was Fired For Witnessing Possible Absentee Ballot Fraud
I've said it once and I'll say it again. If your candidate is so good, WHY? Why, would you even NEED to use Voter Fraud, Ballot Stuffing etc, in order to win? If your Candidate is so right, you shouldn't need to use ILLEGAL means in an attempt to FORCE your Candidates win. If you ARE committing Voter Fraud, Ballot Stuffing etc in order to win, YOU need to serve 15 years MINIMUM in a MAX Security Prison.

Rolling Stone, Reporter, Owner Found Liable in Defamation Suit over Rape Story - Media

Now if only certain OTHER media soruces can be sued and held accountable for their reporting.

Judge Pirro: Clinton Foundation is an ‘organized criminal enterprise’

It is, and there needs to be a RICO investigation because of it.

Slovenian Marxist says he’d vote for Trump because Clinton ‘is the true danger’

When an avowed "MARXIST" says Hillary is a Danger, you might want to listen to him.

Google allegedly punished award-winning YouTuber for not endorsing Clinton

The fix is in. Just look around and see who is endorsing Criminal Hillary, and who is being shut down, shouted down, minimized.

Five ISIS leaders STEAL millions of dollars from the terror group's treasury in Iraq and flee as extremists send hit squad to hunt them down

They can't live on handouts.

Assange: Clinton Foundation and ISIS funded from same sources

North Korean families are pressuring their elderly relatives to commit suicide because they can't afford to look after them

Look for the same thing to happen here is Hillary and the Democrats win.

One of the schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram has been found — with a 10-month-old baby

That is what Militant Islamists do. they take "Non-believers" and make them into slaves.

Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega headed for third consecutive term amid questions about democracy

If the Democrats win here, look for this to come to the US.

Dakota Pipeline Activist Shot With Rubber Bullet During On-Camera Interview

What could he POSSIBLY be doing while giving an interview that he need to be "SHOT" with a rubber bullet?

Evidently it was the "Reporter" that was shot, not the activist.

Reporter Erin Schrode was short with a "Less Than Lethal" round while in the middle of a live interview at Standing Rock in North Dakota. She was shot by police apparently for the crime of being a reporter. In this non-comedic update, Lee Camp goes over exactly what happened and what it says about the Dakota Access Pipeline protests that continue to go on.

Watch CNN Accidentally Explain How They're Fake News!
Watch Lee explain why Brian Stelter of CNN’s “Reliable Sources” is wrong in his claim that Facebook is dividing our country. Lee gives examples of the many ways in which mainstream media outlets like CNN are much more damaging to the country than social media. What does the mainstream news stand to gain from faulty and sensationalist reporting? How much of the news is actually true? What effects does this coverage have on the elections? Lee Camp breaks it all down on Redacted Tonight VIP.

AP sources: FBI agents sought Clinton Foundation probe

But Loretta Lynch derailed it and any other investigations into the Clinton Political Machine.

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