Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Several Dr appointments this week

So posting may be light.

I have one this afternoon and one tomorrow morning.  I'm dreading the one tomorrow as it's for a nerve conduction test.  I intensely dislike getting electrical shocks.

The last time I had a nerve conduction test was before my back surgery, and it took me over a week to fully recover and get full feeling back in my right foot.

I had hoped to get some range time in this week, but I'm not sure if I am going to be capable enough to even stand without help of my cane, after I get this test.

I also might have to drive to Houston Thursday or Friday.  I'm not sure yet.  even if I have to go, I might have to take someone else to drive me. 

I hope I'm recovered enough to go to Sprog #2's recital up in Seguin Sunday.

I have some posts scheduled for later today, but if I don't post much after 4:00 pm it's because the Dr's appointment today wiped me out.

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