Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Today started off ok

I posted earlier that I had a Dr's appt with my pain management Dr.  I left early with 2 of the boys, sprog #3 and Sprog #6 who were out of school, intending on going to the Dr then stopping by the range to get some practice with my Gen 2 Glock 23 with it's Lone Wolf Extended and Threaded 9mm conversion barrel.  I really want to see how this barrel would perform, as Robbie Wheaton from Wheaton Arms personally e-mailed me back and told me that they would be doing a run of THEIR Extended and Threaded 9mm Conversion barrel in December, and I really want to compare the two products.

Well, I got to the Dr early, where they had me do my twice yearly urinalysis, and I talked to my pain management Dr.  I told him how the Orthopedist had me scheduled for a Nerve Conduction Test tomorrow at the Neurologist's.  I also discussed my last CT Scan, and he checked and they still didn't have it in my records there at his office, so he told the assistant to login to the radiologist's server to get it.

Then he refilled my scrips, shook my hand and set up my next appointment for February.

I really like my Pain Management Dr.  If I ever have issues, like I have in the past, all I need to do is call his office any time day or night and I talk either to his head nurse, his PA or him within 45 minutes.  Usually if I call during business hours I have an answer before I even get off the phone, and that's usually within 7-10 minutes.

Well, I left the Dr's office with the boys and we went around the corner to get some food.

I was feeling ok, but after we got our food and sat down, I started to feel a headache coming on.  I figured, it will go away after I eat.


It got worse.

I drove to the sporting goods store to pick up some extra ammunition, as I intended on putting several hundred rounds of 115 gr and 124 gr 9mm ammo through this Glock, to be sure it would function properly and to work in the new trigger, trigger bar, 3.5 lbs connecting bar, slide release and trigger spring, I just put in it.

While we were in the store, my headache pushed through a minor but not debilitating annoyance to a full blown MIGRAINE.

Sledgehammers and anvils being struck in my head, the Vise of PAIN and PRESSURE clamped down on my skull, worse than even my WORST sinus headache.



Now to see if I can even drive home safely.

Well 40 minutes up the road back to the house, where I leaned further and further over my steering wheel as I went.  And the pressure in my head felt like my eyes were going to EXPLODE out of my skull.  I briefly considered just pulling over and calling either my mother or my ex-wife to come down and pick us all up, but I looked up and I was only 4 miles from the house, having just passed the city limits sign.

I made it back to the house, thankfully, I didn't start having my vision gray out from the pain until I hit the hole in the edge of my driveway.  I stopped there in the driveway for 5 minutes while the gray went away, then parked the 'burb, and the boys helped me inside.

Once I was ensconced in my room sitting on my bed, I had Sprog #3 open my fireproof safe and get out my carefully hoarded stash of Toradol, that the insurance company REFUSES to cover anymore.  I HAD 6 of them left from my last scrip I filled in January.  I now have 5.

Within 20 minutes of taking the Toradol, my head felt mostly normal.  I still had the tension headache from being hunched over the steering wheel, but taking 2 ibuprofen an hour after taking the Toradol and that faded away as well.

All along the way back to the house, you could literally SEE how we had a high pressure area over us as the clouds seemed to form a solid wall to the west, north-west and north.  And that high pressure gave me one HELL of a headache.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to drive back to Corpus in the Morning to get the crap shocked out of me so the Orthopedist can see just how much nerve damage I actually have.  Maybe THEN the insurance company will cough up some money to fix me.  I doubt it though.

So "I" am taking my evening meds and going to B-E-D.

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