Thursday, August 24, 2017

Mandatory Evacuation called for my area ahead of Hurricane Harvey + sad news

I live 6 miles out of town and the whole county, plus the next county south and the next county north ALL have Mandatory Evacuations ordered.

Just one problem.  We sold our property in Poteet, so now we no longer have a place to evacuate TO.

Also when we sold the property in Poteet, mom and my cousin also sold the RV which is what we normally would use to carry everyone plus the animals to evacuate.

Soooooo, my sons are going to my mothers house, I'm sending their mother my ex-wife with them.  I told my youngest daughter to grab her fiance and their dog and to bug out to San Antonio TONIGHT to his mother's house.

My eldest daughter and her fiance are stuck in Corpus Christi, he because he is security at one of the colleges and she because she works for the state at a treatment center/halfway house.  Neither of them is allowed to evacuate because of their jobs until and unless

Because of all the phone lines being tied up my phone didn't ring with news of my friend John.  However it suddenly popped up that I had a voice mail. 

It was from John's brother. 

They did CPR for over 15 minutes, gave him injections of adrenaline into his heart, but they couldn't get him to come back.

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