Monday, October 23, 2017

A couple of vids

Well I haven't had the chance to get any video that is interesting.  I've been spending most of my time laying on the air mattress because my neck and hip are screaming at me.  Thank our Creator for wireless keyboards, I can lay down and type his much better without twisting and contorting my body to do so.

I got the parts and pieces to fix the power pole/meter at the house ordered from Home Depot.  $232.08 and it's supposed to be ready for pickup tomorrow or Wednesday.  They are just waiting on the 200 Amp meter panel to come in.  When they line crews came through and removed my electric meter, they damaged my meter panel/box so it need to be replaced.  I called to complain but was told basically "Tough Ta Ta's"  so there went $55.00 for a new box.  At least they didn't damaged the 200 Amp main panel too badly although I did have to order some new connectors to replace the joins between the meter panel and the main panel.  They also cut the wire coming into the meter panel, meaning I'm out over $100.00 to replace the copper lines they cut.  They can run aluminum wire, but "I" have to run copper lines from their pole to my meter. And at $2.55 a foot for 45 feet of 2/0 thhn wire it runs about $114 plus tax.  At least I was able to get them to ship to store to save me the shipping costs.  I still have to run to Corpus almost 45 miles away to pick it up though.

Cell service is still spotty.  I was siting here and suddenly my phone popped up saying I had 3 voice mails.  I checked and they are from LAST week.  I didn't see nor hear of any missed calls and I didn't have any earlier today when I was trying to get in touch with my attorney.

I really don't like doing this, but I still need help financially.  So of you can spare some money it would be very much appreciated.

To send money through PayPal please use:

To donate through Go Fund Me, please use the page my daughter set up: Fundraiser for Mark Anderson by Mary Louise Anderson : Help for Anderson Family

It will be at least 3--4 weeks before I can move into the camping/rv trailer I got.  And many months before my house is livable again.

I am still trying to find a septic company to recertify my septic system, but until I get the electricity back on, no one will even come look at it.  Plus the least expensive septic company wants $250.00 just to come look at it   That's not including any repairs it might need.  nor pumping out the tanks.

So please if you can help, use the links above to donate.

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