Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Small update and a question

Well I have my utility pole/meter box/ circuit breaker panel/Grounding issue fixed.  I now just need to get a new survey and a HUB Certificate to ensure the remains of my house are at the proper elevation, once I have that, the County will FINALLY give me a permit so I can get my electricity turned back on.  The problem?  The survey and Certificate cost $250.  So they will have to wait until the first of next month.

The question I have for you is would you my readers like me to post up the various sales e-mails I get like I did in the past?

I still have somewhat limited internet access, so I've been scheduling most of what I do post lately several days, and for my "From the Inbox" stuff up to 2 weeks in advance.

I tried using the Blogger app from my phone, however it's almost impossible to get things to post correctly, without me manually retyping embed codes since for some reason the app won't allow me to copy-paste properly.

So please leave me a comment, or send me an e-mail.

I'm still trying to get my house taken care of, however that will take at least 8-12 months.  Right now I'm just trying to get power, water, and the septic issues fixed, so the boys and I can quit having to empty the black water tank manually.

Also I have quit using Facebook.  The Android App is doing something that is killing my phones battery in less than 2 hours and the main site is trying to load a "Super Cookie" on to my laptop.  It took several hours for me to delete that "Super Cookie" last time and I don't want to deal with that anymore.

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