Saturday, April 14, 2018

Last night - Early this morning

I was trying to work out how to do a live stream from the tent, when the gust front of a storm came through.  I hit the start recording button on my laptop and recorded the next 20+ minutes of the winds trying to break my tent poles.  Finally about 3:40 am the winds died down enough that I tried to go to sleep.  NOT HAPPENING!!

I had to get back up and hold up the tent against the winds until almost 5:30 am.  I finally got to lay down to rest about 6:15 am.

I've been working on figuring out the live stream issue, but evidently I have an encoding error that I still haven't figured out yet.

For those of you who I am friends on Facebook with, I have left Facebook.  If you are paying attention to the news, you know why.  I have been having major issues with Facebook trying to load a persistent cookie on to my computer which was logging the the login information of any site I visited.  Sorry, but Facebook doesn't need to know my login info for any site OTHER than Facebook.

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