Sunday, July 1, 2018

Savage Model 24 pics

If you have a Savage Model 24, preferably older ones, please take same pictures of it and e-mail them to me, along with a statement giving me permission to use them.  Any caliber combination, any sub model, any condition.  I need photos for a video I am doing and I don't want to violate anyone's copyright. If you have or know someone who has one of the old Model 24's with the side mounted barrel latch, I REALLY want a couple of pictures showing the latch and the breech including at least one overall photo.

Please e-mail them greylocke (at) gmail (dot) com


  1. Have 2 a 24v 30/30 over 20 gauge and old 24 with side selector 22lr over 410. will take pictures and send them tuesday may 1st.

  2. Thank you very much. I got the photos.

    If anyone else has one please send me photos.


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