Wednesday, November 21, 2018

My son needs some help

He is in a school program for video editing, however none of the computers we have are able to run the editing software he is required to use by the school.

The following is the e-mail he sent me about the specifications which are the minimum requirements to run the programs he is supposed to use.

Many of the minimum specifications listed for the programs are shown as a baseline for running these programs, which means they will will run, but productivity will suffer. Also note that I list a few wiki/discussion pages in place of some of the programs' official pages due to the information either not being provided by the main source or being outdated (because of this though, some of the specifications the users post may be somewhat overzealous)

A lot of the screenshots cut off the information, so you will have to visit the page to get all of the information

Autodesk 3DS MAX:

Autodesk MAYA:

Adobe Premiere Pro:

Adobe Photoshop:

Adobe After Effects:

Adobe Animate/Flash:

Epic Games Unreal Engine 4:

Unity 3D Engine 2018.2:


If anyone could help out with getting him a decent enough computerto run these programs properly, I would be very appreciative.

Miles is wanting to specialize in video and game production/design after he graduates come spring and he is busting his tail to try to get his assignments done.  The issue is, right now he can only work on them on the schools computers AFTER school.  And there have been several times I've had to pick him up from school at 9:00 PM.  Add in all of the other programs he is in, (FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Young Life {Christian Youth Group}, NHS {National Honor Society}) plus his school's own TV Production work) he is basically on the go from 7:15 A.M. when I drive him to school and many times, I've had to pick him up after 10:00 P.M. at night from school games, Youth Group, and other programs.

So if anyone has a desktop computer that can run the above programs properly, please let me know via e-mail: greylocke (AT) gmail (DOT) com

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