Wednesday, December 5, 2018

John Stossel - Google and Facebook Cross "The Creepy Line"

1 comment:

  1. I can see some positives, but also the many possible negatives. If we could count on the powerful businesses to stick to just their original business model of marketing to us as consumers, life would be a dream. However, we all know that, old song lyrics aside, life and businesses are not like that. Instead, what we should memorize is the fact that, if a line is there to be crossed, it WILL be crossed. It is just the nature of the beast.
    But another issue can also be counted on, that once the government starts getting involved and starts to regulate the internet, they will ball it up, royally. I don't believe that I have ever seen the government do a better job of something than private business can do. Of course, the other thing we can count on, is that the government WILL also try to stick their ugly heads in the internet, as well.
    What the final answer is, I am not sure. But we can rest assured that people who value individual freedoms will not be happy.


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