Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I just got a content strike - (Paul Joseph Watson)

not for a particular page, but for ALL pages of mine that have Paul Joseph Watson videos on them.

So someone looked at my blog, saw that I have content from Paul Joseph Watson on my blog, then did a search for all of the tags for "Paul Joseph Watson" and THEN opened a complaint on the tags for "Paul Joseph Watson"

How petty can you possibly be?

A man says something you don't agree with and someone else simply posts his video for information, so NOW you arbitrarily decide that you are going to mess with someone's income and reputation because YOU are a thinned skinned, ignorant, small minded individual, who can't take criticism and tries to bully others through FALSE accusations and bearing false witness.

SO you tell me who is the real jerk here...

A man who says something you don't agree with.

Or you the person who is trying to shut down speech.

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