Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I'm back online as you may have noticed.

I moved into my new home Christmas Eve 2020. My daughter and Son in Law moved in at the other end of the house, and they are helping with the bills and the pay for the internet. I finally have high speed internet, whereas before I had DSL or cable internet at the low bandwidth plan. 

 We made it through the big freeze, although having to repair my water line where the county turned off the water and the lines froze wasn't fun after they turned water back on and flooded the rear half of my property. I'm afraid of what my water bill will be next month.  

I've finally gotten 3 of my lowers built and 1 of my uppers is done. I need to get my vise bolted back down to finish the other one.  And I need to get the parts to build the third upper and finish the 4th lower.  I lost so many parts after the hurricane.  People not knowing what things were, me being injured so I couldn't be there to supervise and enough parts to build 2 rifles either got thrown away or someone pocketed.  NOT any lowers.  THOSE were secured in one of the safes.  But I'm missing two collapsing butt stocks, one a 4 position the other a 6 position, a stripped A3 upper.  A Lee Load All in 12 ga with it's 20 ga conversion disappeared in addition to about 170 lbs of lead ingots and my melting pot, bullet molds and other reloading gear.

But I have a new home.  I have food on the table and my bills are mostly paid, although property taxes and some vehicle repairs are are making it hard to pay things.

So for the most part.  Life is good.  And I have the creator to thank that none of my kids are in a bad way.

So look for some new posts here soon as I dig out the cameras and get back to work.

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