Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Music isn't better or worse

From Youtube comments;

Lenora S. 9 months ago (edited) To those confused by this clip, it is from a movie "Our Shining Days" on Netflix. The basic premise of it is that in this school the students who study traditional Chinese instruments are looked down at, while those who study western instruments get better treatment. The students who study traditional music form their own orchestra to match the western one, and this scene is both of the groups facing off. This clip is NOT showing that one group is better than the other. It is actually showing that both groups of instruments are good, and even can be more similar than one might think. As you can see in the clip, each instrument has a similar equivalent in the other group. However the Traditional instrument group should not be dismissed so easily, because they have the unique horn shown at the end that does not have a Western orchestral equivalent. That is why the horn player's entrance was so shocking, because the Western group did not know how to "compete" with this unique instrument. Its a really interesting scene that has a more complex story than it might appear, I would highly recommend watching the movie to get a better understanding!

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