Monday, April 26, 2021

Democrats Working Hard To Shred America’s Social Compact & The U.S. Constitution

USA – -( We are watching a small group shredding the Social Compact that Americans have with their elected government.

In our compact, the U.S. government promises us protection from physical harm, both foreign and domestic, and protection of our inalienable rights. We may have given up some sovereignty to live our rightful lives while attempting to pursue happiness. But remember, the powers of our government are DERIVED FROM OUR CONSENT, and we may, at any time, alter this compact. Please see America’s Founding Documents.

At this time, conservatives, some moderates, and others find sufficient flexibility within the bounds of the Constitution to make changes that we might wish by peaceful means.

Please refer to the Convention of States Action.

But right now, the Democrats are NOT satisfied with minor political changes, and the temporary power they hold. They want to ensure a permanent hold on their power, so they need to make massive political and social changes that will tilt the balance of power always towards their party.


Click the link to read the whole article:   Democrats Working Hard


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