Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Leaked Proposal ~ ATF’s New Rules Take on “Ghost Guns” By Serializing Blocks of Metal

WASHINGTON, D.C.-( A new proposal by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) on unfinished firearms frames was leaked onto the internet.

Stephen Gutowski on his newly launched “The Reload” website reports that it obtained documentation (embedded below) that shows the ATF plans to deal with so-called “ghost guns.” AmmoLand News sent this document to our ATF contacts. Although they could not verify the legitimacy of this exact document, everything appeared to be formatted correctly and includes changes AmmoLand News has reported on in the past. Our sources believe this document to be authentic.

AmmoLand News also reached out to Gutowski and asked him if he could provide proof that the documentation was real. He stated that he could not give up his sources but was confident that the document is legit.

“I obtained the document through a source, but no good journalist ever reveals their confidential sources who provide important information the public deserves to know at risk to themselves or their livelihood, as you know.” Gutowski told AmmoLand News.

“I can say that I am confident in the authenticity of the document.”


Click the link to read the whole article:   Leaked Proposal ~ ATF’s New Rules


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