Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Oregon Democrats Take Radical Actions Against Gun Owners While Republicans Ca$h Out

Oregon – -( As Oregonians have watched their state descend into a hellhole of mindless lockdowns, business failures, skyrocketing suicide rates, and unchecked (and condoned) mob violence, many have wondered how this could happen.

How could the “Republicans” who were elected to stand up to this madness roll over, again and again, and allow the left to ram through policies guaranteed to bankrupt small business owners, eliminate freedom of speech and assembly, steal people’s property, and crush the spirit of our children?

And now, of course, turn the most law-abiding Oregonians into criminals.

SB 554, which passed out of the House Rules Committee will send Oregonians to prison for going to an airport, visiting their child’s school, or daring to enter the Capitol Building where Antifa and black lives matter rioters are welcome.

It will hold gun owners responsible for crimes committed with guns that were stolen from them and prohibit you from allowing your trained 17-year-old daughter from protecting herself when you are not home.


Click the link to read the whole article:   Oregon Democrats Take Actions Against Gun Owners


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