Friday, May 28, 2021

Chipman Confirms: ‘I Support a Ban’ on America’s Most Popular Rifle -

U.S.A.-( Under intense questioning by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans, Joe Biden’s nominee to become head of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives acknowledged during a hearing Wednesday that if he is confirmed, David Chipman acknowledged he would ban the AR15, which currently is the most popular rifle in America.

Chipman, who is a senior policy advisor for the Giffords gun prohibition lobbying group, told Sen. Ted Cruz, “With respect to the AR-15, I support a ban as has been presented in a Senate bill and supported by the president. The AR-15 is a gun I was issued on ATF’s SWAT team and it is a particularly lethal weapon, and regulating it as other particularly lethal weapons I have advocated for.”

The exchange is the subject of a tweet from the National Rifle Association. NRA strongly opposes Chipman’s confirmation, as do other gun rights groups. The fight to prevent his confirmation could be one of the most intense in recent Capitol Hill history.


Click the link to read the whole article:  Chipman Confirms: ‘I Support a Ban’

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