Saturday, May 1, 2021

National Security’ Excuse Takes War on Guns to Dangerous New Level


U.S.A. – -( “We share Biden’s view that the level of U.S. gun violence is a ‘national embarrassment,’” an April 22 Politico opinion piece declares. “But as National Security Council veterans who have specialized in counterterrorism—with direct experience involving far-right American terrorism, burgeoning jihadism, and Northern Irish extremism in the 1990s—we also see a new threat rising, one that has the potential to change the urgency of the debate: the growing, and heavily armed, American militia movement, which made a show of force on January 6.”

The writers are Steven Simon and Jonathan Stevenson, Clinton and Obama-administration operatives with globalist bona fides, that is, violence monopoly apparatchiks now exploiting their career “intelligence” credentials to further the disarming of their countrymen. Their expertise with spook agency propaganda and disinformation is evident from the start, as the only “heavily armed” actors making “a show of force on January 6” were government enforcers: despite media excuse-making, none of the supposed “militia” members identified in the Capitol were reported to have firearms.

Four of the people who died, two from heart attacks and one from amphetamine intoxication, were protesting that election fraud allegations had been dismissed without a thorough and transparent evaluation of evidence. The only citizen from among them who died from gunfire was a female veteran. Her Capitol Police killer, who the government has refused to even identify, got a pass on excessive force. The one LEO who died, a Trump supporter, incidentally, expired from “natural causes” (initially falsely reported to have been due to being smashed in the head with a fire extinguisher but that later turned out to look like wishful thinking on the part of the DSM).

“Increasingly, as militias acquire and stockpile weapons, they’re turning guns from a public-health concern into a threat to national security,” the wonks offer, relying on their readership believing widely-spread “gunquack” hysteria that there actually is a public health crisis. There’s not.

What they’re doing here is an old trick probably best described by novelist Thomas Pynchon:

“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.”

“These groups, with transnational ties, also enjoy easy access to high-power, high-capacity, small-caliber semiautomatic weapons—many of which can be converted to fully automatic,” Simon and Stevenson hyperventilate:

“The concern isn’t that these weapons will somehow enable militias to challenge the U.S. military on the battlefield, which they certainly will not. It is that they make mass casualty attacks against political or cultural adversaries both easy to carry out, and easy to frame as inspirational events of the kind that mobilize insurrection.”

For being such sought-after foreign policy subject matter experts, they must not have heard of Afghanistan. Either that or it’s no wonder this country continues to find itself neck-deep in interminable foreign entanglements with desk-bound eggheads like these doing the advising. And you’d think by now at least one of the millions of NRA members would have carried out one of those “mass casualty attack” rampages they want everyone to fear (instead of being prepared to survive).


Click the link to read the whole article:   ‘National Security’ Excuse Takes War on Guns

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