Monday, May 17, 2021

Nevada: Gun Ban Bill Passes Committee, Headed to the Senate Floor -

U.S.A. -( Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed Assembly Bill 286 with an amendment, to end the centuries-old practice of making firearms for personal use. The most significant change in the amendment was to exempt pre-1969 firearms manufactured before federal law required commercially produced firearms to have serial numbers. It will be eligible for a Senate floor vote soon. Please contact your state senator and ask them to OPPOSE AB 286.


Assembly Bill 286, sponsored by Assembly Member Sandra Jauregui (D-41), essentially bans home-built firearms for personal use by imposing requirements that far exceed those in federal law. It prohibits private individuals from possessing certain unregulated components commonly used by hobbyists to make their own firearms. This confiscatory bill also bans possession of existing, legal, firearms without serial numbers, such as home-built firearms, but it does exempt pre-1969 firearms. This exemption covers firearms made before federal law required licensed manufacturers and importers to place serial numbers on their commercially produced or imported firearms.

Again, please contact your state senator and ask them to OPPOSE AB 286.

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