Tuesday, May 25, 2021

NY Microstamping and Anti-Gun Bills on the Move in Albany - Ammoland.com

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- This week, a trio of anti-gun bills were passed out of Senate committees with the only opposition coming from minority Republicans.  The Senate Consumer Protection Committee passed S.1048A, by Sen. Zellnor Myrie, on a 5 to 2 party-line vote.  This ill-conceived legislation contends that illegal use of firearms is a public nuisance and attempts to hold manufacturers responsible.  Rather than hold criminals accountable, anti-gun legislators are looking to scapegoat an entire industry.  This legislation is nothing more than New York’s attempt to flout federal law and the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

On Wednesday, the Senate Codes Committee passed S.4116, by Sen. Brad Hoylman, on a party-line vote of 8 to 4.  This bill would require all new semi-automatic pistols to be equipped with microstamping technology.  This essentially would ban the sale of traditional handguns.  Microstamping is easily defeated with common household tools.  Criminals are also able to foil microstamping by simply using revolvers, which do not eject casings, or long guns.  They could also pick up casings and even misdirect investigations by dropping other spent cartridges.  Microstamping is a failed concept and not a single state in the country has successfully implemented it.  This bill has floated around Albany for well over a decade and has gone nowhere for a good reason.  It doesn’t work.


Click the link to read the whole article:   NY Microstamping and Anti-Gun Bills


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