Monday, June 21, 2021

Adapt or Die: The Mustang II Story

My mom had a 1974 Mustang II Ghia, she and my dad bought in late 1972, and in the late '80s I had a 1975 Notchback and a 1977 Hatchback. I bought the '75 from the salvage yard for $200.00 and drove it home after plugging and airing up the tires and putting in a battery. The '77 I bought from a friend because it had a 302 cid V-8 and my '75 had a V-6. I wound up selling both of them plus my 1976 Thunderbird to the father of a coworker who was building a kit car and wanted the 351 Windsor from my T-bird and the manual transmission from my '75 and the 9" limited slip differential from the '77. One of my dreams however is to get a 1969 Mustang Mach I with the 289 cid and the 4 spd manual.

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