Saturday, June 5, 2021

Yahoo News Presses Anti-Rights Propaganda About Armed Citizens -


U.S.A.– -( Yahoo News published an article that reads like a press release from the gun-control organizations. They comment on a case that will come before the US Supreme Court. They claim that crime will go up if honest people are armed. Yahoo quotes opinion as fact while leaving out essential truths that give us perspective on gun ownership in the US.

They site the Brady Campaign and call it a “gun violence” organization. Brady changed their name and their marketing slogans several times over the years. Now, they brand themselves with “gun violence” after they found that gun control didn’t sell well. They are still selling the same old gun control laws. The article leaves out the fact that we have over 23 thousand firearms regulations already on the books. Armed criminals ignore those laws as easily as they ignore the laws against robbery, murder, and peddling illegal drugs.

Here are a few facts that the article conspicuously ignored-

  • Gun ownership has been growing for decades while at the same time rates of crime have been dropping. We saw rates of addiction and crime increase last year after we threw tens of millions of us out of a job during the Covid lockdown.
  • We saw an increase in crime in cities that defunded their police force.
  • Criminals don’t buy their guns legally at gun stores and gun shows. Only you and I do that. Criminals break the law so gun-control laws are ineffective at disarming them.
  • Guns are common. Hundreds of millions of us own a firearm, and twenty million of us have a permit to carry concealed in public.
  • Gun owners who have their concealed carry license look like the most law abiding and non-violent group we can find in society; not only when compared to people in the US, but when compared to groups around the world. In addition, people with their concealed carry permits break fewer laws and shoot fewer bystanders than the police. Disarming these good guys doesn’t disarm the bad guys.
  • Deterrence is real. Honest gun owners are like the police in that they may touch their gun or draw their gun, but seldom have to press the trigger to deter violence. Criminals usually run once they discover their victim is armed.
  • Here is something else the article forgot to mention. Law abiding gun owners are hundreds of times more likely to use a firearm in legally justified self-defense than a criminal is to use a gun in a crime. Guns save lives every day.

Why would a so called news organization leave out those important facts? Yahoo said-

“The current law “makes it virtually impossible for the ordinary law-abiding citizen” to get the necessary license, said Paul Clement, a lawyer representing the challenger.”

I’ll add that Paul Clement is the former US Solicitor General and represented the federal government before the US Supreme court.

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